Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Am 6 Degrees of Separation From Activist/Pioneer Edward Carpenter On His Birthday

Gay activist, socialist, feminist, pacifist, nudist, mystic, poet, essayist, sandal wearer… The Post Apocalyptic Bohemian? No, today’s Birthday gay is Edward Carpenter. Challenging both capitalism & the values of Western civilization, Edward Carpenter had an extraordinary impact on the cultural & political landscape of the late 19th & early 20th centuries. Carpenter’s enjoyed friendships with Walt Whitman, Robert Graves, Oscar Wilde, E.M. Forster, Isadora Duncan & Emma Goldman. After reading Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, Carpenter envisioned a world of brotherly love that would do away with the class system & bring true freedom & democracy.

Edward Carpenter in1874

George Merrill in 1874

Carpenter graduated from Cambridge & held a position once filled by Leslie Stephen, the father of Virginia Woolf. He gave public lectures for the working class,but attended only by the middle class, who didn’t like to his ideas. He unsuccessfully sought the friendship of laborers, but in 1891, after meeting by chance on a train, he & uneducated worker- George Merrill became lovers. In 1898, when Carpenter was 54 & Merrill was 32, they set up house together, unheard of in England which was profoundly anti-gay after the Oscar Wilde trials. They lived openly as a couple for 30 years until Merrill’s death, & their love affair, crossing the classes, was the direct inspiration for their friend E.M. Forster’s novel Maurice, as well as D.H. Lawrence’s straight version- Lady Chatterley's Lover. American- Harry Hay, credited Carpenter’s writings for galvanizing him to start the 1st gay rights group- The Mattachine Society, in L.A. in 1950.

Carpenter in 1924

 Carpenter felt strongly that people tend to settle down into a single deep permanent union, but along the way they should be experiencing a variety of relationships & sexual adventures. He warned that the ideal of exclusive attachment can lapse into a stagnant 2 way selfishness. He saw a society with love & devotion between individuals without the quality of their love being defined by exclusiveness based on jealousy, a sense of private property in the other person, social opinions, & legal unions. He believed that such unions suffocate love in egoism, lust, & meanness.Carpenter wrote of sex as a good thing in human consciousness & not a sign or cause of human frailty & sinfulness.

In May 1928, Carpenter suffered a stroke leaving him almost helpless. He lived another 13 months before he died on a perfect summer afternoon, Friday June 28, 1929, exactly 40 years before the Stonewall riots. In 1910 Carpenter had written:

"I should like these few words to be read over the grave when my body is placed in the earth; for though it is possible I may be present & conscious of what is going on, I shall not be able to communicate. Do not think too much of the dead husk of your friend, or mourn too much over it, but send your thoughts out towards the real soul or self which has escaped to reach it. For so, surely you will cast a light of gladness upon his onward journey, & contribute your part towards the building of that kingdom of love which links our earth to heaven."

In 1967, gay Beat poet Allen Ginsburg interviewed Gavin Arthur (grandson of U.S. President Chester A. Arthur), world traveler, adventurer, & later a San Francisco astrologer,about his experience as a young man of 23 of visiting Carpenter in England & having sex with the then 80 year old. Carpenter had told Arthur of his own sexual experience, as a 33 year old man, with the 58 year old Walt Whitman. When the young Arthur asked how Whitman had made love, Carpenter replied, "I will show you." The account of their night together is very sweet.

The Post Apocalyptic Bohemian in 1974

This means I am 6 Degrees of Separation from Walt Whitman, who slept with Edward Carpenter:
Edward Carpenter slept with Gavin Arthur
Gavin Arthur slept with Beat poet Neal Cassady
Neal Cassady slept with Allen Ginsberg
Allen Ginsberg slept with James Dean
James Dean slept with producer Robert Fryer
I slept with Robert Fryer in 1974.

For more on Edward Carpenter check out- Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty & Love by Sheila Rowbotham

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