Sunday, February 6, 2011

Did The Earth Move For You, Nancy?

Ronald Reagan is the beloved figurehead of the regressive party of shameless greed, unabashed bigotry, proud ignorance, shrieking hypocrisy, & brazen disregard for science, rational thought, truth & law that the Republicans have become. Reagan bewitched the USA into living in a theme park full time. Ronald Reagan is the man who destroyed America's sense of reality. The former president turns 100 today. He looks terrific.

"A tree's a tree. How many more do you need to look at?" - opposing expansion of Redwood National Park,1966

"All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk."

"It's silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country, put parking stripes on it still be home by Christmas." -1965

"...the moral equal of our Founding Fathers." - describing the Nicaraguan contras in1985

"Fascism was really the basis for the New Deal." - 1976

"...a faceless mass, waiting for handouts." - Description of Medicaid recipients

"Unemployment insurance is a pre-paid vacation for freeloaders."

"We were told 4 years ago that 17 million people went to bed hungry every night. Well, that was probably true. They were all on a diet."

"Facts are stupid things"

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